Hello Friends!
It's been a little while, but I promise I've been working on a post in the meantime! Maybe I'm useless at browsing the web or maybe I'm just picky, but trying to find pictures that accurately depict my taste as far as home decor goes has been a mission indeed! I thought to quickly browse the net for some inspirational images the other afternoon and what I thought would be a simple 30 minutes of relaxation and fun turned out being a folder called 'blog', created on my laptop for 'if' and 'when' I actually find pictures of things I like...
This afternoon I started wracking my brain for web domains that I -knew- existed and took my fancy instead of starting from scratch with a few keywords and a Google search. Needless to say I remembered my love of Country Road and Etsy which proved to be a great help for both things I liked and confirmation of the things I really, really don't like!
I have never felt (or had) the need to decorate a space pro-actively, so this is a big thing for me...prepare to see lots of decor-orientated posts in the future! But this fact has created an even-bigger problem that I never really needed to face before. I have always been decisive when it comes to style choices. I know what colours, clothes, shoes, jewelry, make-up works best with my body, complexion and taste, but to decide what colours and styles to incorporate in our home has been a challenge (of epic proportions) of it's own.
I would like to interject for just a moment and mention that if I ever doubted that Leeron was a man, I am now sure he is. This was reiterated by his response to my question of what colour scheme we should adopt when we walked into a home store recently.
"Does it really matter? It's just plates and bowls!?"
Horror of horrors.
Ofcourse I rebuked him for his insensitivity and reminded him that these would be items that we would keep (G-d-forbid one of our kids breaks something!) for the rest of our lives. At this point he walked off towards the steak knives section. A girl can try.
I do however come with glad tidings! I have decided on navy blue. It's my favourite colour and I will concede to Lee taking all the credit for this genius suggestion. But all is not well in the land of mixing bowls and coffee mugs, Friends! Because - navy blue is not as popular and frequently found as we like to think.
Have you ever noticed that when you start paying attention to a certain new car model (hint to Lee) or a new fashion trend or colours that have come into style, you start to see it in places where you never did before? No...not only in your desirable dreams, but out and about in your daily doings. Well...I am hoping by all hopes that I start to somehow see navy blue accent items for the kitchen 'cos I'm not too keen on starting this whole deliberation process from scratch!
I've decided that the style I would like to channel throughout the home is modern elegance with vintage accents. I'm not a fan of the harsh lines of modern decor or frilly lace collectibles, but I do love it when a perfect balance is struck between the two. How gratifying to finally name it!
So without further a due and much less babbling, here are some wonderful images that have sent me on a journey of inspiration and long lists of promised decorating. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
Archive for October 2012
...And Navy it is!
Decor Research | Our Home
Moving into a new home is both exciting and draining. I am so excited at the thought of the beautiful space that we're making our own, but so overloaded with ideas, concepts and 'to-do' lists that I find myself thinking it will never get to the point that I've envisioned.
birthday celebrations
I absolutely LOVE celebrating birthdays and finding little gifts that I just know the person will love! I like to keep in mind the birthdays of those whom I love that are coming up within the next few months and keep my eyes peeled for a little something that they will truly appreciate. The problem with this is always the same...I end up so excited to see their reactions that I feel like kicking myself for buying the gift so far ahead. You just can't win!
Hello World!
Hello! Welcome to our blog!