Hello friends!
It's been a [very] hectic week and weekend with all sorts of drama in the form of burglaries at work, studying [lots of it] at home and truckloads of work in preparation for the end of the year. But nonetheless this weekend has almost come to a close and after tomorrow some of the stress will be lifted when Lee finishes two BIG exams! We simply can't wait!
In the meantime whilst Mister has been studying, I've been doing everything EXCEPT the buttload of work I brought home to finish over the weekend...which means I've been on Pinterest [again!] slaving away at finding image inspiration and dreaming of all the home decor that I will: 1. never afford 2. never have the energy to attempt.
Anyhoooo....I did find some nice images to share with you [again] - this time of living spaces as well as some definitive items that I'll be scouting for over the next few weeks as we count the tedious countdown to the move [19 days!!!] and then move and THEN...decor-ate. We're getting there.
*Random fact - I'm listening to Julio Iglesias' Moonlight Lady whilst listening to this so I'm feeling very odd, old and eccentric and like I should be swaying my hips instead of lying on my stomach typing like a spider monkey.
A little more inspiration | Home Series
1. Clean spaces [wood, stainless steel and linen finishes]
2. Specialized crockery wares 3. Parlour Dining Table
4. Monotone scheme, feature shelf wall & scatter cushion love
5. Defined pillows - statement pieces. 6. Colour mix sofa.
7. An eccentric additon - feature sofa
8. Double - sorry!
9. A little overdone, but I fell in love with this apartment living
room because it's in NYC & because it's chic yet homely.
10. Another definitive piece - clean, yet artsy shaded lamp.
11. Crystal Handles/Knobs - an easy item to add for pzazz.
12. Quilted bedding poster bed 13.Benjamin Moore and other beautiful shades
14. A wall mirror becomes a floor-standing mirror with fairy lights to add.
15. A workspace hub - beautiful 16. Peonies and Pincushions! Fresh flowers FTW
16. 'Dado rail curtains' - an alternative to the dull basics.
wends x
This entry was posted on Sunday, November 11, 2012 and is filed under bedroom,colour schemes,countdown,decor,Defintive Items,fresh flowers,home,inspiration boards,kitchen,lounge,paint,Pinterest,planning,prep,project | home,study. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.