A quick hello!

Man oh man!
If we were ever wondering when our beloved South African Summer was going to properly arrive, we aren't wondering anymore! It's been blisteringly hot the past few days leading up to yesterday. I had this brilliant idea and my skin which goes immediately brown is a lovely shade of pink today in all the most awkward places...

Regardless of the weather we've had an amazing weekend!

Why? We went to go see our place properly for the first time AND there's only 12 days left until we move there! The kitchen and lounge are [A LOT] smaller than we thought they would be, but the spacious balcony and beautiful entertainment facilities more than make up for it. 
Excitement. To. The. Max!

So now, the final two weeks of packing and moving are here and then comes the UNpacking and moving in. I think I've moved too many times for me to even be excited about it. But then again, who gets excited about packing and moving?!

More good news is that I've finally tallied all my classes' marks and now the final steps towards ending the year off can begin. This is a big win. I've needed this weekend for us to relax and chill out and gain a little end-of-year perspective.

I am also officially naming and shaming LEERON because he's promised to post after his exams and has NOT done so as yet :)

That's all for now!

wends x

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 18, 2012 and is filed under ,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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