October is a big month for us as there are so many family birthdays in this very special month. When I think of a gift to give to an individual, I try to put as much effort in as possible so that it will be something that turns out being relevant, unique and fulfilling for the receiver. Needless to say, the last October birthday was Lee's mom, Mali on the 31st of October and I almost immediately knew what I wanted to get her as the main gift for her birthday this year. Exciting times!
Family | Photography
Family matters a lot to us as we don't really have many family members beyond our immediate family, whom we are on regular speaking terms with. This said, we decided to give Lee's mom a little bit of her family encapsulated in pictures. She loved it!
I've decided to share some of the photos here as they are still so beautiful to me a month after taking them. What a beautiful family!
wends x
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 and is filed under birthdays,black and white,family,photography,portraits,special. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.