Hello Friends!
Today, I just wanted to share a little bit on my photography endevours and all the amazing doors that are opening for me...
About three years ago, I started taking photos with a digital SLR camera. I fell in love with photographing anything from the flowers in the garden to things that were happening in my life in fine detail.Everything had to be recorded photographically.
Right around this time I went through a variety of life-changing events and photography took the back burner because I simply didn't feel the need to record such a dismal time in my life. Since then, I've done a lot of growing up and finding myself and I'm so excited to be at a place in my life where I am so ready to photograph everything around me and remember it for always.
That said, my approach is also less jovial and laid-back - I've dived right into developing myself professionally. I have been playing around with my camera, taking a million shots of the same thing until I get it just right! I'm sure any photographer reading this will identify with this learning phase (although learning never stops).
I think Lee's sisters are so tired of me photographing them and I'm sure Lee is really tired of me editing photos - by the tons, but that said I feel a fire has been lit in me that may never die!
Unfortunately for artists - musicians, painters, photographers, dancers, etc...one can't always only engage in one's passions...there WILL be paperwork, logistics and general organisational matters that need to be tended to. That said, I have been working hard at developing an image and style for myself and also a presence. Of all the tasks towards making my professional photography dreams come true, getting the blog running is the one I'm most proud of. Please feel free to go take a look at it here as the URL is a bit of a mouthful...
I am proud of the content on there and the simple, yet unique design. Phew! Blog Design is not for sissies! ;)
Furthermore, I would like to publicly thank the various people who have inspired, motivated and supported me in this venture, but most especially - Lee. He has been dragged along to camera suppliers, shown every blog and site that inspires and has been the ROCK in my life - anchoring me so so much! I love you my Man! Thanks for your love and tolerance AND support!
That said, here are some of my recent images...thank you for the time taken to read this!
About my photography | Wendy
This entry was posted on Saturday, April 27, 2013 and is filed under landscapes,Nikon,passions,photography,the perfect picture photography,urban landscapes,Wendy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.