A confessional | notices

Hello friends!

Firstly, I'm using the blogger for iPad app for the first time which is both exciting and scary seeing as I don't know what is going to show up on the blog with respects to font and design...eeeeeeep!

Nonetheless it's a lot easier for me to update from my iPad as schlepping a laptop around on our local escapades is just not happening anymore. 

Next item of business - the photography challenge photies...and posts....
I brought my camera to take today's pic and post it, but alas I left the memory card with all the images for the past (1000000000.....) days worth of photography challenge pics at home. Sigh. I know.

So this is a little notice to say...
"They're coming!"

In the meantime - here's a pretty picture!


This entry was posted on Saturday, August 24, 2013 and is filed under ,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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