Week 13 | MWIP

HI Friends!

So..I'm late on week 13 and will be on time with week 14. Here goes anyway...

Adi lost ANOTHER tooth which means she scored big with the tooth fairy! She's growing up SO fast!

I made my legendary stir fry with my own recipe for sweet and sour sauce. I will be posting the recipe here. It's a winner EVERY time!

Lee's parents moved into a beautiful new home this past weekend. We helped them and this was taking at the end of it all when a house started becoming a home. Family time is so important and amazing!

I found this little butterfly outside in the garden and had to chase it for a while before getting the shot! The last remnants of Summer as it's almost Winter here in South Africa!

We had our first Shabbat in the new house and I got to set the table. Of course there were flowers...

Our friend; Steven got this huge Sub Woofer in the boot of his car. My ears were blown away. Don't know how he does it!
Cocoa spent the weekend following me EVERYWHERE because he doesn't know the new house yet! He even slips in behind me when I go to the bathroom. What a sweet little thing! x

wends x

This entry was posted on Friday, April 5, 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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