My Sister and I | Wendy


This morning my sister called me and although for some this may be an every day occurrence in some of your lives, it's a recent addition to mine.

Needless to say a blog is a public and open platform so I'm not going to share intimate and private details of our history, but I will say that for the first time ever we are making a full-hearted attempt at having a relationship and it's become something which I value already.

A few weeks ago I woke up to a message from Kelly on whatsapp and she had sent me some images. The one I'm sharing today is when Kelly was still an infant and i was probably about 3 years old. I can't remember this day, but I know that in my heart it must have been special - I just know.

The reason why I'm sharing this post today is because this past week I've realized that although we CAN'T choose our family, they are not something which we can throw away. I've had so much up and down and back and forth when it comes to family and at one stage I thought myself better off without any relatives in my life, but now I know that although I don't have much, I have enough.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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