Archive for November 2012

Yummy Cupcakes! | WebGems


Hello again -

I am *such* a sucker for beautiful interface and lovely design. Also, I am having a bad StumbleUpon day, so I'm using a little gem I found a few days ago instead!

The Culprit | 
Ming Makes Cupcakes
Category | 
Food, Baking, Confectionery 
The URL |
go here
The Break Down | 
Yummy gourmet-esque, fancy schmancy-like cuppycakes with a twist in EASY format and simple, to the point ingredient and method instructions.
The Verdict |
I may be baking for quite some time. 2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 23, 25 were definite faves!

Photo Source - here


wends x

Almost Time!

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Hello boys and girls!

Well...last I remember I was on day 19 on my countdown and lookey here! We're on 1 day left to go to the great trek! We are so excited and midst the cardboard box jungle and masking tape injuries, there's an excited little couple hiding out! Fun times!

Lee went and bought ten [huge] cardboard boxes from the box store [?!] - BoxIt yesterday and last night we had a little packing session and [surprisingly] got most of the packing DONE!

Of course I couldn't decide on the spot what I was going to wear for the next two days meaning I still have half my closet to pack by tomorrow and a few odds and ends [hair supplies - horror! Make-up - double horror!].

However like before mentioned, we are so darn excited to finally move and make our matchbox a home! We're not sure about where to put all my clothes and books, but baby steps I s'pose!

Last night with Lee's parents and of course we plan on going out with a bang! We have a good old movie marathon planned and pizza from the place around the corner. The shadows cast by the boxes are just SO ambient, so we might as well use 'em!

See you on the other side!

wends x

Hello World

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Hi Everyone,

So, as I’m sure you all know this my first post and admittedly Wendy may have been correct about me putting it off for quite some time now. I thought to myself what should I write about ( I think I am a man of few words whereas Wendy can write and write and it ends up being really fantastic quality writing). I thought I’d write about moving and what the different experiences ive had are. I’ve gone through a range of emotions mostly excitement but also some fear and uncertainty as to what the future holds.
So, with pretty much all of our stuff bought namely our big appliances and the essentials such as a fridge, washing machine, cutlery, kettle, toaster we are still in the process of buying some of the smaller items and redoing a coffee table, some odds and ends that still need to be done
And just so everyone knows there have been legitimate reasons for me not having made my first post as promised the reason is I have had so many projects come up since the close of varsity. It has been the most intense and insane busy week that I could have asked for . My massive checklist of things to do has partially been completed and I feel like im finally starting to set into the holiday vibes….
I feel ready and confident about making the big step of moving into our own home which I envision to be our perfect space. A blank canvas for us to do with whatever we want.


Introduction to WebGems | WebGems

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Hello friends!

It's been a while hasn't it!?
It seems like the end of the year is coming faster than we think and with it all the end-of-year madness too. This is a legitimate reason for my absence, no?
Anyhow...I have a cute little concept to introduce today.

I am in love with the internet. It's not the anti-social vibe, it's just there's so much to see! Wow!
That said StumbleUpon is probably my best AND worst friend in consideration of this addiction. I love exploring the far corners of the web and I always find the most awesome things! 

I would like to say I'll post a daily Web Gem that I've found in my travels upon the waves of the world wide web, but that would be a HUGE commitment that I probably wouldn't keep. So I'll post one in accordance to my idea of regularly.

Without further a due...
Today's web gem is...Drinkify

What is it?
A website
What does it do?
Suggests a drink to make that corresponds to the name of an artist you're listening to. 
Cool Rating?
Please let me know if you can enter an artist that they DON'T have :)

wends x

A quick hello!

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Man oh man!
If we were ever wondering when our beloved South African Summer was going to properly arrive, we aren't wondering anymore! It's been blisteringly hot the past few days leading up to yesterday. I had this brilliant idea and my skin which goes immediately brown is a lovely shade of pink today in all the most awkward places...

Regardless of the weather we've had an amazing weekend!

Why? We went to go see our place properly for the first time AND there's only 12 days left until we move there! The kitchen and lounge are [A LOT] smaller than we thought they would be, but the spacious balcony and beautiful entertainment facilities more than make up for it. 
Excitement. To. The. Max!

So now, the final two weeks of packing and moving are here and then comes the UNpacking and moving in. I think I've moved too many times for me to even be excited about it. But then again, who gets excited about packing and moving?!

More good news is that I've finally tallied all my classes' marks and now the final steps towards ending the year off can begin. This is a big win. I've needed this weekend for us to relax and chill out and gain a little end-of-year perspective.

I am also officially naming and shaming LEERON because he's promised to post after his exams and has NOT done so as yet :)

That's all for now!

wends x

Jamie's Ministry of Food | Recommended Reads

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I am a HUGE Jamie Oliver fan...simply because he is so spontaneous in the way he presents the art of food to the world. He can go from basic to complex and back in a jiffy and make it look like a breeze. Although his 'Jamie's 30-Minute Meals' turned out being 2 hours prep and 30 minutes of concentrated cooking time, it's still a gem nonetheless.

But enough about all that - today i'm talking 'Jamie's Ministry of Food'.

The concept behind this book both fascinates and intrigues me as it's an old principal that's been brought back to life. I think the foreword of the book does the explanation the most justice so I quote:

"During and after the First World War terrible food shortages meant mane people were malnourished. So when the Second World War broke out the government knew they'd have to do something pretty clever to stop this happening again, and what they did was set up a Ministry of Food. Basically it was created for two major reasons: to make sure there was enough food to go round and also to educate the public about food and proper nutrition so they'd be healthy and fighting fit. What I find completely inspiring is that the government at that time didn't just watch and give lip service, it pulled its finger out and did something radical...and I like radical! The Ministry of Food was all about going to people, wherever they were - workplaces, factories, gentlemen's clubs or local shopping areas. And they did this by simply mobilizing thousands of women who could cook, then sending them out across the whole country to provide support and tips to the public. Because of this, people knew how to use their food rations properly and were able to eat, and live, better.

Historians say the original Ministry of Food was a saving grace of the war."

There you have it! What a profound, yet logical movement this turned out to be! The wonderful thing about this cook book is that it takes you from hesitant to commit to the "Pass it on" commitment which asks you to teach two people a recipe who will in turn teach two more people to ready to commit and organize a Jamie-Oliver themed dinner party.

But my best about this book is the fact that it fulfills my ONE requirement of a good cookbook. And this is said once again, so well by Jamie himself in the synopsis/dust cover:

"Whether you're a reluctant beginner or a good cook who just appreciates simplicity, allow me and this book to help you cook some truly delicious, crowd-pleasing meals."

Isn't that what its all about? Going back to basics instead of making food that's hardly edible? I like! In fact I love!

So whether you're buying it because it takes you to the very basics of cooking or because you want to do the "pass it on" pledge, just do it anyway! You won't regret it!

I'll let you know what I cook with a "Pass-it-on Pledge"/"Jamie's Ministry of Food" tag in future posts. Happy cooking-baking everyone!

wends x

A little more inspiration | Home Series

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Hello friends! 
It's been a [very] hectic week and weekend with all sorts of drama in the form of burglaries at work, studying [lots of it] at home and truckloads of work in preparation for the end of the year. But nonetheless this weekend has almost come to a close and after tomorrow some of the stress will be lifted when Lee finishes two BIG exams! We simply can't wait!

In the meantime whilst Mister has been studying, I've been doing everything EXCEPT the buttload of work I brought home to finish over the weekend...which means I've been on Pinterest [again!] slaving away at finding image inspiration and dreaming of all the home decor that I will: 1. never afford 2. never have the energy to attempt.

Anyhoooo....I did find some nice images to share with you [again] - this time of living spaces as well as some definitive items that I'll be scouting for over the next few weeks as we count the tedious countdown to the move [19 days!!!] and then move and THEN...decor-ate. We're getting there. 

*Random fact - I'm listening to Julio Iglesias' Moonlight Lady whilst listening to this so I'm feeling very odd, old and eccentric and like I should be swaying my hips instead of lying on my stomach typing like a spider monkey.

1. Clean spaces [wood, stainless steel and linen finishes]
2. Specialized crockery wares 3. Parlour Dining Table
4. Monotone scheme, feature shelf wall & scatter cushion love
5. Defined pillows - statement pieces. 6. Colour mix sofa.
7. An eccentric additon - feature sofa
8. Double - sorry!
9. A little overdone, but I fell in love with this apartment living
room because it's in NYC & because it's chic yet homely.
10. Another definitive piece - clean, yet artsy shaded lamp.
11. Crystal Handles/Knobs - an easy item to add for pzazz.
12. Quilted bedding poster bed 13.Benjamin Moore and other beautiful shades
14. A wall mirror becomes a floor-standing mirror with fairy lights to add.
15. A workspace hub - beautiful 16. Peonies and Pincushions! Fresh flowers FTW
16. 'Dado rail curtains' - an alternative to the dull basics.

wends x

Family | Photography

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October is a big month for us as there are so many family birthdays in this very special month. When I think of a gift to give to an individual, I try to put as much effort in as possible so that it will be something that turns out being relevant, unique and fulfilling for the receiver. Needless to say, the last October birthday was Lee's mom, Mali on the 31st of October and I almost immediately knew what I wanted to get her as the main gift for her birthday this year. Exciting times!

Family matters a lot to us as we don't really have many family members beyond our immediate family, whom we are on regular speaking terms with. This said, we decided to give Lee's mom a little bit of her family encapsulated in pictures. She loved it! 

I've decided to share some of the photos here as they are still so beautiful to me a month after taking them. What a beautiful family!

wends x


More Home Ideas | Home Series

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Hello again!
I gave you fair warning that I would be posting *a lot* of home inspiration here! And here I am with another post with some beautiful image inspiration...

In 25 days we get to move into our new apartment and boy are we excited!? I can't wait to put some pics up here for you to see! We've opted for a smaller [and more expensive!] space in order to be close to work, varsity and Leeron's parents, but what we didn't compromise on is modern fittings and finishes. It's such an awesome blessing that we both love the same decor styles otherwise we could end up having quite the mash-up!

I must also apologize for Lee. He hasn't posted a single thing yet! But I assure you that he has been [very] busy studying for his finals, but has still been giving feedback and constructive criticism as I've constructed our blog and sat for hours debating over which shade of gray to use. 

But don't stress! After exams you'll see some lovely posts from my better half! As for now, you're stuck with my decor inspiration boards! This one is more style orientated as opposed to the previous one which was a selection of beautiful items. Without further a due...

from left to right, top to bottom |
recessed knife block and chopping board [in a drawer!], paper and stationary organizer
scatter cushion love, entrance organizer
ONLY the essential utensils are to be kept, vintage love
twiggy votives/vases, a letter desk - compact and functional for small spaces
a cup of tea and a book [I'm looking forward to this in bed!]

wends x

Shakshouka | Recipes

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Shakshouka is a traditional Israeli dish that is one of the most loved and served dishes in Israel, but perhaps even more so by us :)

"Shakshouka (Arabicشكشوكة‎; Hebrewשקשוקה‎) (also shakshuka) is a dish of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoeschili peppers,onions, often spiced with cumin.[1] It is believed to have a Tunisian origin.[2]"
[source: WikiPedia]

This is one of our absolute favourite Israeli foods and Lee's mom makes it the best! I love the fact that this recipe can really be customized to suit your own personal taste. For those who enjoy chili less, don't add any or very little in the least. If you prefer it to be a little more bitter, cut down on the red pepper and add more green pepper. You can add as many eggs as you need...ratio 1 egg : 1 tomato - as you need. We've found that two eggs per person is more than enough. Hope you enjoy it as much as we have and continue to!

I've added a recipe card for you to download or print as you please.

wends x