Hello Holidays | Cape Town Day 3

Hello Friends!

Last night the internet was being uber sketchy so I eventually put the images on to upload and went to sleep hoping they'd be done by morning. I think it was an issue with google though because I couldn't upload an image to an e-mail either. Anyhow...here they are now...a little bit late - but here nonetheless!

We had a crazy day yesterday although Cape Town on the whole seems to be a little quieter than the day before which truly is a blessing. Flocks of thousands of people - not cool.

I had a terrible experience at a very upmarket restaurant at the V&A yesterday and wrote them a snotty e-mail last night. Besides that, we had a wonderful day...

We met up with one of my childhood friends whom I saw about 10 years ago last and had a wonderful meal with her and her friends and we also sent postcards home even though we might arrive home before they do....

We went on a Sunset cruise on a Catamaran (I say it was a yacht...) and froze to death...but it was worth it and then we came home to bustling streets and a warm shower which was super welcome to two salty people!

A good day on the whole!
Some pics...

Beluga - a upmarket restaurant makes Mojito ice lollies that are so refreshing and yummy!

Pre-bad experience...I was desperate for a good piece of fish - Leeron...not so keen.

He had a coke,..

All the staff at the post office had a good laugh at this postcard which we sent home!

Me - very excited but already cold - on the yachtmaran

Lee looking all suave and yachty...

I just love this pic of us!

And this one...genuine happy smiles!

The disgusting piece of fish that I paid R256 for. yuck.

Lee signing off some post cards...

The sunset from the yachtmaran

The harbour and the view of the beautiful V&A - no filter.

Looking young and tanned and fit and ready!

wends x

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