Archive for January 2014

Hello 2014! | Our Life

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Hello Friends!

It's been quite a while hasn't it?
I believe this will be my first post for 2014 & strangely enough this year when I was contemplating some goals that I'd like to achieve I didn't include blogging more. I guess priorities change! many things have happened in the past month and a bit since I last blogged. We moved...(FINALLY!) and Lee's parents came back from their 5 week holiday in the USA. I have changed jobs and I am loving my new position as it allows me to be challenged every day and to grow more. All round, a lot has been happening!

I feel like in addition to not blogging as much as I should, I've also been slacking on my photo taking,but that is something that I really want to work on in the coming year!

Here are some photos that I feel really proud of that I've taken throughout the past few weeks.